Saturday, February 12, 2011

3rd Week

The third week in Life Drawing was very helpful, because the core area of the human form became much clearer to me.  I started to understand the spinal column, the ribcage, and tried to understand the relationship between the pelvis and the ribcage.  Although I have been struggling with the distance between the two, I'm doing my best to slowly figure it out.

The gesture drawings, as monotonous as they may seem to some, are honestly really helping me.  It really helps to get me out of my meticulous manner of drawing and throw me into a quick gesture drawing.  It forces me to look at the human form as larger shapes, rather than particular, miniscule forms.  I really enjoy being able to scrutinize what the model is doing, and portray that on paper.  It's challenging, of course, but I have been doing my best to illustrate what I see.

The following image that I'm going to submit is from Friday of this week.  We had our first day of drawing with a male model, and it was very different.  The difference between the male and female body is great, and definitely shows in my drawings.  The female body is much softer, whereas the male form tends to show much more muscle definition.  Our particular male model was skinny, and therefore we could see a lot of the muscles and bones.  It really helped in all of our drawings, I'm sure.  Here is the drawing that I did during our long drawing on Friday.

This is the drawing I did of the male model on Friday.  I started out drawing the line of the spinal column, added in the "egg" of the ribcage, and added the pelvis.  From there, I began to illustrate the body, which I actually feel (or at least hope) was fairly accurate.



  1. Hello, this is Brandy from class.

    I have to agree with you on a lot what you typed about. I find it difficult to find the distance between the ribcage and pelvis as well, but by the look of it, it looks like you're getting the hang of it!

    I said the same thing about our first male model a few weeks ago. The male and female body are pretty different, and I think it's very facinating.

    By the way, if you want to rotate your image I suggest doing it in Photoshop. There's an Image Rotation option under Image.

  2. Hey,
    I completely agree with finding it difficult to get the correct distance between the rib cage and pelvis. I had troubles with that too.

    It's amazing how gender makes such a difference between two seemingly similar figures. Your drawing here looks very accurate, though! Nicely done.

    I also like how clean your lines are. It seems like you visually studied the figure and thought specifically where each line should go before you started this drawing. Your egg shaped rib cage is accurate. I often find it hard to get that the right shape without making several egg shapes.
